Released: 7/14/2020
Download for Mojave and Earlier: XTension v9.4.32 (build 1023) 7/14/2020
Download for Catalina Only: XTension v9.4.32 (build 1023) for Catalina Only 7/14/2020
NOTE: the catalina download is a notarized disk image file but does not contain the entirety of the plugins as not all are updated to run on Catalina yet. See the Catalina note below or more info. Please do not use this image on a 10.14 (Mohave) or earlier version, use the non Catalina file above.
Minimum System Version for this release is OSX 10.10
Mac OSX Catalina the above linked disk image is notarized for Catalina however not all plugins have completed the transition to the new OS version. Please verify that your necessary devices are supported before updating.
Mac OSX Mojave has changed the requirements for scripting of other applications. You MUST force any script to run that contacts a different application when you upgrade and click “OK” when it asks for permission or your scripts will silently fail when they run later. See the Mojave Support Page for more info.
Please test the new DIY plugin!
Please also remember that the original Arduino, Hue, Barix, Vera and w800 plugins are no longer included in the build. They have been replaced with new Catalina compatible plugins. If you haven’t already converted your interfaces to the new plugins simply go to the interface list window and edit those interfaces selecting the proper new plugin from the list and then enable them. These plugins have been around long enough that I consider them to be fully functional but if you have problems with the conversion let me know. Internally to XTension the older plugins will still work fine so if it is necessary you can pull the plugins out of the previous release and then use the “install plugin” menu under the Database menu to re-install them in this version. They will not run under Catalina going forward so it is important to get switched to the new ones at some point.