Released: 9/1/2020
Download for Mojave and Earlier: XTension v9.4.33 (build 1024) 9/1/2020
Download for Catalina Only: XTension v9.4.33 (build 1024) for Catalina Only 9/1/2020
NOTE: the catalina download is a notarized disk image file but does not contain the entirety of the plugins as not all are updated to run on Catalina yet. See the Catalina note below or more info. Please do not use this image on a 10.14 (Mohave) or earlier version, use the non Catalina file above.
Minimum System Version for this release is OSX 10.10
Mac OSX Catalina the above linked disk image is notarized for Catalina however not all plugins have completed the transition to the new OS version. Please verify that your necessary devices are supported before updating.
Mac OSX Mojave has changed the requirements for scripting of other applications. You MUST force any script to run that contacts a different application when you upgrade and click “OK” when it asks for permission or your scripts will silently fail when they run later. See the Mojave Support Page for more info.
I was overly aggressive in the previous version at removing older deprecated plugins that have newer replacements. I have undone that decision and replaced all the plugins that I removed in the last release. Your database should load and run normally in this version if it has in any of the more recent versions. As of this moment the only plugins that have actually been removed from the package are the original Arduino plugin, the original Vera plugin, the original Hue plugin, and the original Barix plugin. If you are coming from a version old enough to have still included those you will have to edit the interface for those and change them to the new version before they can run.
You will see a new Plugin Validation window if any plugin issues are found at startup that will help you to know why something isn’t running and how to convert to the new plugin.