If your MacOS and XTension version support it please use the Most Recent Version
Download XTdb v3.6.2 (build 90) (10/26/2020)
Download: XTdb v3.5.7 (build 90) (10/26/2020)
* Fixes a problem with High Sierra where the app may be frozen by the system some time after the screen goes to sleep. This is due to a bug in High Sierra that Apple has acknowledged and hopefully will fix with an OS update soon. Until then the screen on your server will wakeup periodically when XTdb experiences this problem.
query v: returns the data between the 2 dates for the specified unit. If the optional saving to property is supplied then the data will be written to that file in a comma separated value standard format. If the file exists it will be overwritten. If this is used then the verb itself will return the number of records written to the applescript caller instead of the raw data.
If no file specification is included then a “list of lists” is returned. Each data point will return a list of 2 elements, the value and the date. {{34.5, 1/2/19 3:45pm}, {44.7, 1/2/2016 3:55pm}, etc…} The dates are applescript date objects and not just strings as I’ve drawn them there.
set myData to query “brew temperature” starting at date “2/5/2016 4:00pm” ending at date “2/5/2016 4:30pm”
* Refactoring of the interface to Graph layout. The new interface breaks the settings up onto a page panel control to leave more room for more controls and options in the future while making more room to view the graph you are laying out.
By way of example here is a Gauge I’m currently running. The pointers are highly configurable as to where they are and their size. Experiment with the sliders that control their width and start and end points.
Version 3.0 requires at least XTension build 897 and will work up until, but not on, version 9.0.
XTdb version 2.2 is suitable for XTension versions prior to build 897
* Return to the original auto ranging calculation which works better.
* adds the ability to calculate a duty cycle of a unit over a specific time frame. The new verb in the applescript dictionary is:
set GarageFridgeDutyCycle to (duty cycle of "GARAGE fridge compressor" for 12)
duty cycle of “name of unit” for (number of past hours)
returns a percent. You can run this say every 5 minutes in a scheduled event in XTension to keep a watch on something.