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All of List

Returns of an AppleScript list of all units in a List.


all of list (text, name of the list)
returns an AppleScript list of names.

Optional Parameters

with extract
returns a list of Unit Extract Records instead of just a list of names.


set AllMyLists to all of class "lists"
write log "we got this many lists: " & (count of items of AllMyLists)
repeat with ThisList in AllMyLists
  set AllInList to all of list ThisList
  write log "in list " & ThisLIst & " we got " & (count of AllInList) & " units."
  repeat with ThisUnit in AllInList
    write log ThisUnit
  end repeat
end repeat
dictionary/lists/alloflist.txt · Last modified: 2009/09/28 13:10 (external edit)