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dictionary:human:writelog [2017/10/20 17:01]
James Sentman [Optional Parameters:]
dictionary:human:writelog [2017/10/20 17:01] (current)
James Sentman background color
Line 39: Line 39:
 ===History:​== ===History:​==
 version 9.1 added support for the “always showing” parameter\\ version 9.1 added support for the “always showing” parameter\\
-version 9.3.7 added support for the “filter” parameter+version 9.3.7 added support for the “filter” parameter\\ 
 +version 9.3.7 added support for the “background color” parameter
dictionary/human/writelog.1508518864.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/20 17:01 by James Sentman