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current:beta [2022/01/28 17:32]
James Sentman
current:beta [2023/01/21 20:17]
James Sentman
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 =====Beta Versions===== =====Beta Versions=====
-====XTension ​Beta 9.4.45 BETA 2 for ARM and X86==== +XTension ​version ​9.5.1 beta 6 is available:
-Released: ​1/28/2022+
-Download: ​[[https://​​files/​xtension/​xtension_9_4_45b2.dmg|XTension v9.4.45 Beta 2 UNIVERSAL]]+[[https://​​files/​xtension/​xtension_9_5_1b6.dmg]]
-This version continues the transition to being fully M1 native. There are many change to the overall code to support this and so both the X86 and M1 versions will require a longer Beta cycle. 
-This beta updates ​the embedded python version used for most plugins ​to 3.10 from 3.7 which has made lot of re-testing necessary. This python build is fully universal however ​so should run the same on both X86 machines ​and M1 machinesMany plugins rely on libraries which may not be universalI have rebuilt ​all those that I have spotted ​so far but I definitely ​want reports ​of any issues ​you have with plugins when running this. +=====Beta 6 Changelog:​===== 
 +  * NEW: Direct support for ESPresence in the MQTT plugin. Simplifies using ESPresence devices with the MQTT plugin without having to do a lot of scripting. Turn it on in the Edit Interface dialog for the plugin and at least initially you should leave the Automatically Create Units for it turned on until it’s setup to your satisfaction. Full Documentation is coming but for the moment here. The ESPresence support will find all the devices that have been seen on your receivers, by devices I mean the bluetooth beacons and things like iPhones and the like, not the physical ESP32 devices running the receiver software. Each device will get a master device unit in one list in XTension. ​This will have the presence/​absence of the device anywhere on your system. If no update has been received ​for it by the timeout set in the edit unit dialog then it will get turned off. While turned on the default label for the Unit will be the name of the room that the device is in. In addition ​to that another list of location units are createdFor each device another unit is created for each room they may be in. These Units will turn on and off based on regularly walking the list of recently received messages and finding the one with the shortest distance to the receiver. I’m not 100% sure about this logic or layout or anything else yet so please let me know if this is the kind of thing you’d expect ​from this or notMore direct device support is coming. I’m working on Tasmota next as it also has a rather complex MQTT topic structure. **NOTE** if you enable the ESPresence support while the plugin is running you’ll need to disable and re-enable the plugin for that to take effect. 
 +  * NEW: If there are important errors during startup a new list window will open to contain them separate from the log. This window ​is called the “Startup Messages” window. If you see it then there is something you might need to address. It will either contain the necessary information or suggest you look at the log for more info. This way messages on database load that might get scrolled off the top so fast you don’t see them will get noticed more easily. 
 +  * NEW: Multiple Interface Collision Detection. Previously it was possible to create a situation where a unit was set to use 2 interfaces to receive, but one of them could have another unit with the same address which would keep the multiple interfaces from working properly. During startup if this is seen while loading the database an error is written to the log and a startup message is created in the above mentioned window telling you that it has happened and what the 2 units are so you can more easily figure out why messages aren’t getting routed as you expect. 
 +  * NEW: MQTT Plugin now better handles server reconnects. If the server drops out due to network issues or rebooting or whatever and then recovers all your existing subscribed units will re-subscribe and continue to receive data. 
 +  * NEW: MQTT Plugin now has a separate field for the outgoing topic. If updates from the Unit need to be published to a different topic than the one subscribed to for updates from the mqtt server that can now be entered there. 
 +  * NEW: MQTT Plugin now lets you set the QOS and Retain values for each individual Unit in the Unit Setup Dialog. 
 +  * NEW: MQTT Plugin implements a generic scripting handler just called “publish()” that lets you publish any string to any topic from anywhere. If you’re doing it from the Unit’s on or off script no other handling is needed it’s just:​publish( “/​my/​topic”,​ “shower in use”) if you’re doing it from elsewhere use the tell xInterface “name of your MQTT plugin” to publish( “/​my/​topic”,​ “shower in use”) 
 +  * NEW: The Video plugins now insert ​all the event data that you create while recording with the record from “whatever” for 30 info “name the event here!” as well as the timestamp of the frame into closed caption data. This can be displayed when streaming the snippet from the web interface or when just viewing it off the disk. It is superior to physically overlaying the text onto the actual video stream as it can be moved around by the user so that it doesn’t obscure something you want to see and it is readable and the same size no matter how small a thumbnail ​of the video you’re looking at. 
 +  * NEW: The video plugins now provide the same event listing in the Web Interfaces that the old Video Pitcher program did. So they will show up there as well as closed captioned.  
 +  * FIX: Fixed a problem ​with the MJPEG camera streaming plugin that would cause a slight bump in CPU usage every time the connection was lost and recovered due to it not properly closing a thread that would keep trying to work in the background even after it had been replaced. 
 +  * FIX: Fixed an issue with the Amcrest API camera plugin that would cause the plugin CPU usage to peg at 100% if the camera connection was lost. 
 +  * FIX: Fixed a rare and unusual problem with syncing data between XTension and the plugins. This could have caused the loading of units from XTension to be short circuited and some updates to be lost to the plugin. 
 +  * FIX: The logging of available RAM that XTension does at startup was logging it with the wrong suffix showing that you only had kb available ​when it was really mb or gb. 
 +  * FIX: I’ve made it possible to change the type of a Unit while the interface it’s connected to is running. This is working well in my testing but it is possible that there are situations in some plugins that would not properly follow along. If you have any trouble doing this record the errors to send to me and then just disable and re-enable the interface to get everything working properly again. 
 +  * CHANGE: This shouldn’t affect anything, but keep an eye  out in case it does. Plugins that have scripting handlers now register them with XTension. XTension will verify that a handler you’re trying to call is available before sending the command to the plugin. If you try to call a handler that does not exist then the script will be returned an error. Previously once the command was sent to the plugin it was assumed to be handled. So if you had called piblish( “topic”,​ “payload”) instead of publish() it would not have been able to log an error, it would just silently fail. So watch for new script errors where this might be being caught now when it was never before.
-All the binary plugins except the original legacy ones from Michael and the web interfaces are now universal and should run the same in both places.+This is probably going to be the next release unless something else exciting comes up.
-As of Beta 2 the only plugin ​that I know for certain does not work is the MQTT Broker ​plugin. ​I’ve temporarily removed it from the beta distribution while I fight with it. If you rely on this you may wish to wait for future build that will include ​it again after am done fighting ​with it.+=====Beta 4 Changelog:​===== 
 +Change log: 
 +  * NEW MQTT Client plugin. No wiki documentation yet. Read the information on the unit pages carefully. Select how you’re going to get the data out of the topic there are currently 3 types of parsing to get it out. There will be more for more complicated devices. Then enter the MQTT Topic into that field and if the Unit is way select ​the way you’re going to send data back to the server. There are currently many choices but none that will yet easily handle XML or JSON values or more complex structures that would require scripted parsing and scripted re-creation of such a structure. If you have examples of such things please send me the topic data from them and as much other info as you can put together so can make sure that the release version of the plugin can handle it. To see all the topics as published turn debug mode on for the plugin ​instanceNote that there is no attempt to automatically create Units for an MQTT server. That would result in a LOT of Units. Create only the Units you need with the specific topic paths that you wish. Use a problem like MQTT explorer to find what they are on your server. Also note that this is NOT a broker. This is a client and can connect ​to a broker elsewhere or running on the same machine. I recommend the Mosquitto server at the moment since that is what I have been testing against. 
 +  * FIX data logged from a Unit using the contextual menu item of log debug data will now have the Unit set so that you can filter for that and see it in the log. Makes it easier to gather debugging information for me. 
 +  * Fixed an error in the error logging in one place in the basic plugin includes. This could have caused a confusing error and would have stopped the logging of the actual error and information that would need to fix that. This was initially plaguing folks with the Barix plugin as it was trying to convert older UnitsI have found an interface on my system that also generates this error so I will be able to fix it now, but if we were working on this please send me the new error message to help me get this squashed and properly working
-One of the major changes in this version is the inclusion of an entirely different Home Kit plugin. In my testing it appears to be working fine, but I do not have test case for every kind of shared device that you may be using. This new code will support many more features and functions than the previous but I have not begun to implement any of that yet, just concentrating on getting what worked before working again. As of this Beta it should be a drop in replacement and you should not see any issues or problems. If you do find something that isn’t working with it that worked before please capture any log output when starting the interface and when trying to control the unit in question. +=====Beta 1 Changelog:=====
- +
-===Errors and Log Lines you may see:=== +
-When you first startup the app the OS will ask for permission to access the documents folder. Please answer yes. After the first launch it will not ask you again until you update the app again. +
- +
-Many plugins are still using the python 2 version that comes with the OS. I am converting these but it will take some time to complete them all. If you are using them then the first time they run the OS will popup an error window letting you know that this app will not be compatible with future OS versions. I am aware of this and am working to convert them all to use the embedded version. Answer OK and like the request to access the documents folder it will not ask you again until you update again. +
- +
-Several of the plugins generate deprecated warnings in the log about changes to the asyncio libraries in python 3.10. These can be ignored as long as the plugin is otherwise working normally.  +
- +
-Note that no changes to the database structure are made by this version. If you do have issues, after you have collected any log output for me, you can return to the release or previous beta version just by putting back the original application. Though it is a beta it will not timeout or otherwise require you to do anything until you’re ready to update it. +
- +
- +
-In addition to that discussed above the following items have changed or been added: +
-  * NEW: For those running as many raspberry pi’s around the house as I am please have a look at the [[supported_hardware:​pimonitor|Pi Monitor]] plugin. +
-  * Added a “Do Not Log” option to global scripts similar to that available for Units. This suppresses the “executing global script: My Global Script” message that is usually logged when a global script is started. It may be log spam if you execute a script quickly or very often. Any errors or write log messages that are generated by the script are still logged as usual. This setting can be found in the contextual menu for any script in the Manage Scripts window, or in the Advanced (the Gear) menu in the toolbar when editing the script. +
- +
-Changes that were in the previous beta: +
- +
-  * The Manage Global Scripts window now displays the total number of scripts with errors in it’s title as well as the number of scripts with errors in each folder throughout the list. The number of scripts in each folder is also displayed. +
-  * Plugins that are running remotely no longer send pings when the interface is disconnected so errors about them are no longer incorrectly logged. +
-  * Fixed a potential problem in the XTension kit receiver plugin if a device sent invalid JSON characters. It no longer causes the listening thread to stop completely but rather logs an appropriate error and continues to function for every other device. +
-  * Added support to the XTension kit plugin for new and upcoming devices. +
-  * For the M1 build an error is no longer created at startup due to Apple no longer supporting some of the default icons that I was pulling from the system. +
-  * The Genmon plugin will update the label of the Engine State unit even if the state of the engine has not changed. +
-  * Genmon: Added many new error and status units so that it is simpler to get specific information than to parse the label of the engine status unit. New units created include: +
-    * Error: Engine Speed High or Low +
-    * Error: Governor failure +
-    * Error: Low Oil +
-    * Error: Overcrank +
-    * Error: Overheat +
-    * Error: Overload +
-    * Error: RPM Sensor +
-    * Error: Voltage High or Low +
-    * Error: Warning (generator is sending a warning that is not yet an error or alarm condition) +
-    * Generator Is In Alarm +
-    * Generator Is Running +
-    * Generator Is Ready +
-    * Generator Is Exercising +
-    * Generator Is Ready +
-    * Generator Service Is Due+
 +Changes in the previous beta.
 +  * NEW Plugin for No Hassle AV 4x4 HDMI switchers. [[supported_hardware:​nohassle4|Documentation is here.]] This supports (or tries to) 4 different 4x4 size devices.
 +  * NEW Plugin for No Hassle AV 8x8 HDMI switchers. [[supported_hardware:​nohassle8|Documentation is here.]] This supports (or tries to) 3 different 8x8 size devices.
 +  * FIX: Fixed a problem loading Unit Icon files that were not JPEGs. PNG’s and GIF’s load normally again. This was broken recently when I switched to a faster jpeg parsing library.
 +  * FIX: more bugs in the Phillips Hue plugin that would have caused an error, and then an error in the error handling when it tried to log the wrong data.
 +  * Database Format Change: For more than 5 years I’ve been keeping 2 copies of the Unit Properties data to make it easier should anyone have to revert to an earlier version after using the newer version. This build stops doing that and removes the old file potentially making the database quite a bit smaller and therefore faster to load and easier to manage. At this point if you need to revert to a version more than 5 years old you’ll have to use the backup file that is zipped up when each new version is loaded. Or just be OK with losing the Unit Properties from your database.
 +  * Enumerated Values for Units are now individually trimmed of leading or trailing spaces. So if you enter the values like “slow, medium, fast” the system will know you didn’t actually mean those spaces to be part of the enumerated values.
 +  * If a plugin has an empty description the name in the popup will no longer show an empty set of parenthesis after the name.
current/beta.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/03 15:38 by James Sentman